my corner of solipsism

Shiva: Sid's alter ego

Our buddha cat, Shiva, whom we've decided would be more aptly named Siddhartha for his gentle soul and daily yoga routines, becomes remarkably un-zen-like during some nights.  Last night was one of those nights.
Normally, respectful of our sleeping hours, Shiva, I mean Sid, refrains from waking us until at least 8 hours have past since we've retired the prior evening.  However, occasionally, usually following the departure of a guest who was given his bedroom during their stay, Sid decides that 3 am is a great time to voice his frustrations.   Sid decidedly becomes Shiva  - his inquiring small "Me-ow ... are you up?" becomes a bellowing caterwaul, the likes of which prompts the imagination to turn to thoughts of an intruder or  the house going up into flames as our furry family member desparately trys to warn us of impending doom.  Shushing does no good.  One must simply wait until exhaustion muffles the meows.
Sid has forgotten what troubled him last night and is peacefully meditating in the living room.  Hopefully, Shiva will not be heard for many nights to come.
To view more photos of this incredible little creature, see my "Pets" photo albums:
Posted by Kirsten Waerstad on Wed, Jun 29, 2005 @ 12:06 PM